Dr. Charlyne Gelt • phone: (818) 501-4123
• e-mail: info@drgelt.com
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February 19, 2025
Group Therapy
Women's Groups

Pathway Program for Autistic/Asperger Students

Grief Group for
Young Widows & Widowers

FREE Group for Families
with Someone in Prison

center divider As an adjunct to individual therapy, Dr. Gelt offers therapy groups that address deeper issues, support empowerment and healing. For dates and times or to set up a consultation, call Dr. Gelt at (818) 501-4123 or e-mail info@drgelt.com.

Women's Groups
For women who are goal-oriented, outwardly successful, but emotionally submissive in relationships.
  • Achieve Emotional Intimacy
    Express issues and feelings without losing your head — move toward wholeness and individuation. A closer look at our inner realities. Balance inner and outer realities.

  • Communicate Wants and Needs
    Make changes where needed and release your energy and creativity. A look at family of origin issues; the masks we wear; the inner wounds; heal the negativity of the critical self.

  • Identify and Communicate Your Own Wants and Needs
    Separate them from those of others — clarify them from an "I" position. Explore, create emotional boundaries within a relationship.

  • Learn to be an "I" and a "We"
    Move freely between the two without losing your sense of self. 1+1=3

  • Explore Relationship Issues
    Identify and explore types of relationships — empowering, controlling/submissive, addictive.


Are you:
  • Goal-oriented, outwardly successful, but emotionally submissive in relationships?
  • Good at doing for others, but not good at nurturing yourself?
  • Do you feel anxious, indecisive or confused when trying to confront important issues?
  • In relationships, do you allow yourself to be put down, or verbally, emotionally or physically abused?
  • Do you want to understand what draws you into difficult relationships and what you can do about it?


This psycho-educational, interactive group will help you:

Work Through Issues of:
  • Emotional Intimacy
  • Express feelings without losing your head - move towards wholeness.
  • Balance inner and outer realities.

  • Guilt, Shame & Anger
  • Make changes where needed and release your energy and creativity.
  • A look at the masks we wear, the inner wound -- heal the negativity of the critical self.
  • Dysfunctional Family of Origin Issues
  • Identify the issues; evaluate their impact; heal the negative

  • Emotional Submission
  • Identify types of relationships - empowering, controlling/submissive, addictive.
Learn To:
  • Identify and Communicate Your Wants and Needs
  • Separate - clarify them from an "I" position.
  • Create emotional boundaries within a relationship
  • Learn to be an "I" and a "We" - 1 + 1 = 3

Space is limited. Call Charlyne Gelt, Ph. D. 818-501-4123
Location: Encino, CA

Pathway Program at UCLA for Autistic/Asperger Students
Academic challenges, living away from home to attend college, and exposure to social interactions with new people and new surroundings is stressful. It can be exciting, and confusing. It can also create anxiety that gets in the way of academic progress. The College Survival Group helps students identify and process these feelings, and develop new cognitive and emotional tools to work through their own problems.

Grief Group for Young Widows & Widowers
  • Deal with early loss of spouse
  • Go through emotional trauma, grief, and loss in a group setting
  • Work through stages of grief
  • Come to a place of healing and acceptance
FREE Group for Families with Someone in Prison
  • Explore concrete and emotional issues
  • Work with grief resulting from incarceration
  • Move toward healthier family interactions